How I lost 100 Pounds On a Vegan Diet

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One of the greatest accomplishments that I have been able to achieve in the past few years has been losing 100 pounds. And what I would consider an even greater achievement is the fact that I have been able to keep the weight off, while eating as much as I want. I know for a lot of people who have been battling obesity their whole lives like I did, that might sound too good to be true. When I made the decision that I had finally had enough of being fat and sick, I decided that I was going to try everything possible to lose the weight. But at the same time I was limited in my options for “everything”, due to suffering a football career ending back injury that lead to a 6 1/2 hour surgery so that I would be able to walk and function like a normal individual again. For myself that was extremely tough, I had spent my whole life as a high level athlete and always had the idea that when I did decide that I needed to lose the weight I would just begin running or do more cardio. So with that option off the table I began to look for ways to lose weight related to my diet. At the time I was getting my degree in livestock production and so I initially gravitated towards the animal based fad diets. For two years I tried the low carb diet, the atkins, the ketogenic diet, the JJ Virgin diet, really if there was a diet where you ate a ton of animal flesh and secretions I tried it. After a couple of years of following these “die”ts I realized a few things, I had not lost any significant amount of weight on any of them, on the ones that I did lose some weight initially I gained it all back plus some after just a few more weeks, I was constantly constipated and my overall digestion felt the worst it had ever been. I then had the most important realization when I began looking at the people who were prescribing and telling me to follow these animal food based diets. My first real “ah ha” moment was looking up at my nutrition professor whose advise I had been following, and it hit me that maybe it wasn’t such a great idea to be following the advise of a 300 pound nutrition “expert”. Then I surveyed all the others I was taking advise from and they were all either fat or much more overweight than I wanted to be when I reached my goal of losing 100 pounds. I realized the only reason I was following their advise was that they might have been a little lighter in weight than I was at the time. And they were also telling me what I really wanted to hear about my diet at the time, that I could eat all the eggs, bacon and cheese that I wanted and lose weight. But upon further analysis the foods I was told would help me lose weight like a “magic pill”, were the exact same foods that made me fat in the first place.

That is really when I began to seriously research and look into what truly healthy and skinny people are doing to lose weight and keep it off. And what I began to find was truly shocking for a country boy from Indiana, who was in the middle of getting his livestock production degree because he believed the world needed more “high quality” protein from animal based sources. What I found to be the real truth that has been in place for hundreds and thousands of years, was the opposite of everything I had been taught to believe. Which in hindsight makes sense because in fact everyone who was teaching me to believe these things were either the children of overweight parents, currently overweight themselves or raising overweight families. The truth that seemed to elude myself and my family was that the longest lived healthy human populations in recordable history have eaten diets based around plant foods and eaten the majority of their calories from high carbohydrate starch filled plant foods. (If you are interested about learning more about these populations I would recommend books like Healthy at 100 ( and the Blue Zones ( I would also recommend some talks by some amazing doctors ( who are doing incredible work regarding the diets of these healthy and long lived populations.) So I began eating vegan meals based around the same starchy foods I had been previously taught to avoid like the plague. What I found was truly amazing about these foods was that I was able to eat them until I was full and I actually lost weight…..

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How I lost 100 Pounds On a Vegan Diet

1 Month Vegan Diet Plan, How I lost 100 Pounds On a Vegan Diet.

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So what is a great diet if you aren’t worried about weight reduction. One last note: People differ in their dietary requirements. You wish to give a present that will be used, delighted in, and remembered.


How I lost 100 Pounds On a Vegan Diet, Enjoy top reviews about 1 Month Vegan Diet Plan.

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In 1985, it was popularly called crash diet. Losing a pound each week is comparable to a 500 calorie deficit daily. Many diet plans out there fall into just one or two of these categories.

A healthy diet is among the preliminary steps you need to look in to when you start considering how to increase your metabolism. You can discover theories about slimming down with diet anywhere you look.

You ought to stockpile on advised vegetables, and fruits. You ought to also have entire grains, which fill you up, and are great for your body, in addition to lean meats, and dairy. Many will use skim milk when doing the Special K phase 2 atkins diet for choosing the cereal. Water is necessary to any plan, so make sure that you are consuming enough. Lots of can puzzle thirst for cravings pangs, which leads the to feel starved when they just actually require more water or liquid.

Breakfast: Start with a full glass of water. Low-fat yogurt with muesli,, and s piece of wholemeal bread with low-fat cheese, and bell pepper. End up the breakfast with a fruit.

Though there are several specific diet plans that can be followed, one would certainly be on a healthy vegetarian diet vs meat plan if they even broadly followed the pointers given above.

You ought to also examine the portion sizes that the recipe will yield. If the portions seem a bit small, this is since you have actually ended up being accustomed to consuming modern portions – overeating. Minimizing your portions by following igf-1 vegan diet recipes is vital to defeating your weight gain, and producing a slimmer, much healthier you.

Well not everybody has the time to read all the food labels what’s more, life has ended up being so busy these days that planning a meal is hardly in the mind of every individual, but still you need to consume responsibly therefore the weight reduction plan. You just drain, and understand that your body is working remarkably well without the fear of any obstructed arteries. , if there is one thing that individuals discover difficult to change it is their consuming habits but with a shake diet they will be able to do so slowly..

The secret to a healthy life, and a healthy diet is living food – fresh vegetables, fruit, juices, and green leafy salads. The answer to a healthier you is summarized in 3 words, lunch, breakfast, and supper. It’s not a trick, it’s a lifestyle.

For a mid-afternoon snack, select foods that are low in calories, and these are an apple, 12 walnuts, and a glass of milk. Selecting a diet prepare for women can be difficult. Well, if it is so, then you are at the right place.

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